What is Search Engine Optimization?

If you are new to search engine marketing, it may be confusing to know what exactly SEO is. Search engine optimization focuses on the keywords your customers type into the search box to find your product or service. Generally, keywords fall into two categories: informational and product. If your eCommerce site sells tennis shoes, it would be wise to optimize its pages around both categories. In short, SEO focuses on increasing the number of visits your website gets from targeted searchers.

Search engine optimization is the process of boosting website traffic by optimizing the content of the pages on your site, earning inbound links, and implementing keyword strategies. Search engines crawl your webpages to determine how relevant they are to the searches they conduct. These algorithms look for a variety of elements, including keyword phrases, title tags, image tags, internal link structure, and inbound links, or backlinks. Once your pages have been properly optimized, visitors will be more likely to convert into customers.

While Google considers a variety of signals in ranking websites, the most important are the content and overall experience of the user. SEO helps website owners gain more control over the way Google presents their content, which can be done manually or by using plugins. The result is that a higher chance of appearing in featured snippets in Google searches. But there are other important factors that must be taken into consideration. Listed below are some of the most important considerations in SEO.